Red Cross Faces Critical Blood Shortage, Issues Plea for Donors

The Red Cross is facing a dire situation & is issuing a plea for donors to give blood or platelets immediately to help overcome its worst blood shortage in 10+ years. Without more donors, hospitals may have to make tough decisions about which patients receive transfusions & who must wait. Donors of all blood types, especially…Continue Reading

Learn the Secret to Happiness in Free Online Course from Yale University

Learn the Secret to Happiness in Free Online Course from Yale University

A Yale University professor’s free online course on the science of living a happy life has seen enrollment spike by about 3,000% during the COVID-19 pandemic. Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology, started teaching her class, Psycology 157: Psychology and the Good Life, in March 2018, and the next semester she made the class available for free…Continue Reading

New TikTok Challenge Has People Peeling Raw Eggs {WATCH}

Move over milk crates, peeling eggs is the latest TikTok Challenge. The good news is, the only pain you may feel with this challenge is in the painstaking process of trying to separate the shell from the fragile membrane. Some of the most popular tools to use are toothpicks, cuticle pushers, tweezers and metal blemish…Continue Reading

How To Help Tornado Victims in Western Kentucky

Following the devastating tornado in Western Kentucky on Dec. 11th, Portsmouth, VA’s Mercy Chefs deployed to the town of Mayfield to assist in recovery efforts. Since they have arrived they have made it their mission to provide hot meals to volunteers, first responders, and those displaced by this tragic event, and the surrounding communities also…Continue Reading

Here’s How to Scroll Through TikTok Hands-Free

Laying in bed scrolling through TikTok when you should be sleeping?  Same. Now you can watch all your favorite FYP clips without moving by setting your TikTok iPhone app to scroll by voice command! Here’s how: Go to your settings app and tap “Accessibility”. Tap “set up voice control” or make sure it is switched on…Continue Reading