Take a Virtual Field Trip to the Virginia Aquarium, Meet the Animals and Get Virtual Lessons

Take a Virtual Field Trip to the Virginia Aquarium, Meet the Animals and Get Virtual Lessons

The Virginia Aquarium is temporarily closed to guests, to support efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Until they can open their doors to the public again, they have provided resources that you can use to help continue teaching your children at home.Family Fun

      • Meet the Animal Ambassadors of the Virginia Aquarium

    Not able to visit right now?  No worries! Meet our Animal Ambassadors in these



Grades Pk-2


Language Arts & Reading


Physical Education & Games

Join us as we stretch, balance, and move like the animals!

Grades 3-5


Language Arts & Reading


Grades 6-8


Grades 9-12



For more click here.

Additionally, you can tune into our Facebook and Instagram pages for new lessons, live videos, and educational activities.

How You Can Help

Even though we are closed, our team continues to provide exceptional care for our animals. We depend on admissions and memberships to pay for these mission-critical operations, and our animal care operations do not stop due to the COVID-19 situation. If you would like to help, you can support us through a donation to the Aquarium’s Annual Fund. To make a donation, please visit here: https://www.virginiaaquarium.com/give/Pages/Make-A-Gift-Form.aspx​
As this situation continues to evolve, we ask that you please follow the CDC guidelines for preventing the spread of this virus. Stay at home, practice social distancing, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, and use hand sanitizer.
Max Media Digital